Type Classes

The first thing to understand is that type annotations are actual python classes. You must import them from typing to use them. This is admittedly a bit of a nuisance, but it makes more sense when you consider that the syntax integration in python 3.5 means you’re attaching objects to function definitions just as you do when providing a default value to an argument. In fact, you can use typing.get_type_hints() function to inspect type hint objects on a function at runtime, just as you would inspect argument defaults with inspect.getargspec().

Type classes fall into several categories, which we’ll review below.

Foundational Types

The core set of types is pretty well covered in the mypy docs, but I’ll give a brief overview below.


Represents any type.

If a function returns None you should specify this explicitly, because if omitted it defaults to Any which is more permissive.

Unlike Any, object is an ordinary static type, and only operations valid for all types are accepted for object values.

Any is thus more permissive.


Used to denote a function or bound method with a particular signature.

Here’s a simple function and how to encode that as a type annotation:

def repeat(s, count):
    # type: (str, int) -> str
    return s * count
Callable[[str, int], str]

Or, if you only care about the return result:

Callable[..., str]


Used when there is more than one valid type.

Union[str, List[str]]


Shorthand for a type which is allowed to be None.

These are equivalent:

Union[int, None]

In mypy None is by default a valid value for every type, but due to popular demand that is going to change, though I’m not sure in what time frame. It’s already possible to change the behavior of the type-checker using a flag. Thus, if you’re getting started now, its best to get in the habit of adding the Optional type modifier to denote a type that includes None.


Used to denote that a type should be an uninstantiated class.

Type[Union[MyClass, OtherClass]]

Type Aliases

This is a technique rather than a type. Remember how we discussed that type definitions are regular python objects? Well, that means you can assign them to module-level variables and use these variables in your annotations. This is handy if you have a lot of functions that take the same complex recipe.

(broken in pycharm)

from typing import Dict, List, Union
PropertiesType = Dict[str, List[str]]
PropertiesListType = List[Dict[str, PropertiesType]]

def process_properties(props):
    # type: (PropertiesListType) -> None


This is the base class for all the collection classes covered below. It’s what gives them the bracket syntax for type-specialization (e.g. Container[int]). My epiphany with type-hinting came when I realized that subclasses of Generic are not just for defining type-hints. By using Generic as an alternative base class to object when creating your own collection classes, your classes can be used both as a collection (by instantiating it as you normally would) and as a type annotation (by using [] on the class itself). Check out the Stack example in the mypy docs to see an example.

(broken in pycharm)


TypeVar lets you create relationships and restrictions between an argument and other arguments or return values.

For example, let’s say that you have a function which takes a value of any type, and returns a value of the same type.

If we use Any then we fail to make that relationship:

def passthrough(input):
    # type: (Any) -> Any
    return input

Both input and result may be any type, but there’s nothing to indicate that they will always be the same type as each other.

To give the type checker more context, we create a TypeVar and share it between annotations.

T = TypeVar('T')

def passthrough(input):
    # type: (T) -> T
    return input

This is called a generic function. Of course, it gets more interesting than this. A TypeVar can be restricted in the same way as any other value:

TypeVar('T', bound=Callable[[int, str], bool])

TypeVars are often used with Generic collections (discussed more below) to form a relationship between the collection and another argument or return values. Here’s a solid example from the docs on generics:

from typing import TypeVar, Sequence

T = TypeVar('T')

def first(seq: Sequence[T]) -> T:
    return seq[0]

Concrete Collection Types

The concrete collection types are intended to be used as stand-ins for certain key collections for the purpose of type-hinting. They cannot be instantiated: For that, you need to continue to use their “real” counterparts.

In an ideal world, all of the collections in python’s standard library would subclass from Generic, which would allow the same class to serve as both implementation and type annotation. Perhaps if type hinting takes off this will be addressed one day, in the meantime we have this split.

The concrete collection types:

  • Tuple
  • Dict
  • DefaultDict
  • List
  • Set

These are pretty straight-forward to use. You can glean all you need from a few simple examples:

Example Explanation
list list of any type, possibly heterogeneous
List[Any] same as above
List[int] list containing only integers
dict dictionary with any key or value
Dict[Any, Any] same as above
Dict[str, int] dictionary whose keys are strings and values are integers
tuple tuple with any quantity of any type
Tuple[Any, ...] same as above
Tuple[int] tuple with a single integer. ex: (1,)
Tuple[int, ...] tuple with any number of int
Tuple[int, str] tuple whose first element is an integer and second is a string


typing.NamedTuple is an alternative to collections.namedtuple that supports type-checking.

Under the hood it wraps collections.namedtuple and tags the resulting class with an attribute to track the field types, but in reality, that’s not even necessary as the static code analysis won’t have access to it.

Here’s an example adapted from the docs. The Point class defined in the following code is opaque to type-checking:

from collections import namedtuple

Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
p = Point(x=1, y='x')
p.y / 2.0  # fails at runtime

By swapping it with typing.NamedTuple, the Point class can now be used as a type annotation in functions and instantiation of the type can be properly validated.

from typing import NamedTuple

Point = NamedTuple('Point', [('x', int), ('y', int)])
p = Point(x=1, y='x')  # issue detected by mypy
p.y / 2.0

Ordinary Classes

As you might expect, any class can be used as a type identifier. This restricts objects to instances of this class and its subclasses.

The two tools – mypy and PyCharm – differ in how they find objects specified in type annotations.

With mypy, the name given must be a valid identifier for that object in the current module. For example, this works:

import zipfile

def zipit(arg):
    # type: (zipfile.ZipFile) -> None

But this does not:

import zipfile

def zipit(arg):
    # type: (ZipFile) -> None

This is because ZipFile does not identify any object at the scope of the zipit function (to be honest, I’m actually not entirely sure how the scoping works in mypy, but it has a module scope for sure). This behavior makes sense if you think of the type-comments as placeholders for the python 3.5 syntax additions. Again, it helps to think of type hints the same way that you would default arguments. In that light, I think it’s intuitive that it would not work without first importing zipfile:

def zipit(arg: zipfile.ZipFile) -> None:

This rule actually applies to any object defined externally to a comment-based type annotation, such as type aliases, but it comes into play most often with custom classes.

PyCharm is a bit more forgiving than mypy. If prefix your object with a dotted module or package name, it will find the object within that module, assuming your project search paths are setup correctly. Of course, if you plan to use both tools in conjunction, you’ll have to shoot for the lowest common denominator, which is mypy.